Thursday, May 15, 2008

Quick Thoughts 5/15

- Pau Gasol did not push off on Okur. I actually thought he did push off, and exclaimed as much over at Fanhouse's live blog, and was relieved the foul wasn't called, but this excellent post by the venerous Henry Abbot has caused me to change my mind.

- Destiny. This word gets thrown around a lot around this time. One proper use of it might have been yesterday, when Utah had about 10 chances to take the lead, but fell short each time. If the Jazz lose this series, this loss will be fairly haunting over the summer.

-Things the Cavaliers need to practice.
1. Spacing
2. Point of origin for plays run for LeBron

- I am not a Cavalier fan, but I empathize with Cavalier fans who are subject to Mike Brown's "offense." Mr. Brown, please do not call for plays where the lanes are clogged such that there are three players who are in LeBron path to the basket. It's called spacing. It's what worked during the first part of the game. Maybe even give the ball to LeBron on he low post such that he can utilize his strength and passing. Having him dribble the ball up is such a waste. Finally, LeBron, please do not settle for lazy jumpers.

- I feel bad for Bill Simmons. You could see this coming, especially after ESPN nixed his interview with Barack Obama. 2010, the year his contract ends seems so far away. Perhaps he can write a book he's always wanted to write, on a high school basketball team he used to cover. A sample is present at his new blog.

- Thank you to the one person that has me on RSS.

1 comment:

Carolyn Hastings said...

Amazing how one team shows up for the 1st half and another for the second. Sorry you're not a Cavs fan. Living in Cleveland with LB on the team has been way too much fun.